Tips for Selecting the Perfect Hair Wigs for Cancer Patients

Ngày 10/07/2023

Hair loss is a distressing outcome of cancer treatment, but fortunately, it is not a permanent condition. After completing chemotherapy, your hair will fully regrow within six months. However, if you have concerns about hair loss during treatment, wearing a wig is an excellent temporary solution. Choosing the right wig may seem daunting if you have never purchased one before, but it is actually less complicated than you might think. In the following section, we have provided some tips to help you select the perfect wig and face cancer with confidence.

Getting ready for wearing the wig

Preparing for the wig prior to beginning chemotherapy can be beneficial, as it can alleviate one worry throughout your cancer-fighting journey. However, it is crucial to consult your oncologist to determine if hair loss will occur, as not all cancer treatments result in this side effect. Below are a few ways to get ready for the wig:

1. Ensure to capture a photograph of yourself prior to hair loss, as this will assist in accurately matching the color, length, and style of a wig resembling your own natural hair when you eventually opt to wear one.

2. Trim your hair right before chemotherapy could potentially provide some comfort in dealing with the emotional distress of losing all of it.

3. Establish a clear vision of the wig style you desire, as this will facilitate pre-chemotherapy preparations with your hairstylist, eliminating the need for post-chemotherapy arrangements.

4. In the event that your hair starts falling out, it may be worth considering shaving your head to prevent waking up with scattered strands of hair on your pillow.

4 tips to help you select the perfect hair wig for yourself

When selecting a wig, it is important to take into account several factors. Certain individuals may favor wigs that resemble their appearance from before their battle with cancer, while others may choose to explore and be adventurous with different hair colors and styles. Regardless of the preference, the key is to obtain a well-fitting wig.

When selecting a hair wig, it is important to keep these essential factors in mind:

1. Differentiating between Synthetic and Human Hair Wig Types

There are two main types of wigs that are commonly used: synthetic wigs and human hair wigs. Synthetic wigs are crafted from plastic or acrylic fibers, which imitate the appearance of real hair. The main advantage of synthetic wigs is their affordability and low maintenance needs. They also hold their shape well and require less styling. However, a drawback is that synthetic wigs have a shorter lifespan and are more prone to damage. Although they may seem genuine and natural, synthetic wigs cannot be dyed like their human hair counterparts.

A wig made from real human hair, known as a human hair wig, has a lifespan of approximately one year. It possesses the appearance of natural hair, although it demands additional upkeep. Although pricier than alternative wig options, a human hair wig can be dyed, styled, and cut to suit any desired preference.

2. The construction of Wigs

The quality of a wig can be either improved or diminished based on the way it is made. There are three types of wig construction: machine-made, handmade, and custom wigs.

– Machine-made wigs, which are typically the least expensive, are widely utilized. The process involves sewing hair wefts together in a straight line, followed by trimming and assembling them into a wig.

– Handmade wigs have a more natural appearance due to the individual knotting of each hair strand into the wig cap.

– Custom wigs are known to be the priciest among all wig options. To ensure you get a custom wig, it is advisable to place an order well in advance, considering that they typically require several months to be crafted.

3. Style

When selecting a wig, it is important to take the style into account. When making a decision about the style, it is important to remember the following points:

– You have the freedom to express yourself by either boldly experimenting with your hair through vibrant color and style, or subtly enhancing your natural look with a complementary wig.

– It may be beneficial for you to consider purchasing two wigs with different styles, allowing you to have options for various occasions.

– Additionally, headband wigs are available, which facilitate their wearability.

4. Color

To avoid looking too dramatic, opt for a lighter wig color instead of exaggerating your appearance. With a wide range of options including shades of brown, black, blonde, and red, the choices are limitless.

Wearing and Caring for Hair Wigs

To ensure your wig remains in good condition and securely in place, it’s important to handle it with care. Here’s a straightforward method for wearing a wig:

1. With both hands, hold it up in front of you and roll it back over your head.

2. Incline your head downward and position the front of the wig against your hairline before sliding it onto your head.

3. Modify it in order to match your natural hairline.

4. After you have achieved your desired satisfaction, utilize wig clips to secure the wig firmly in position.

Now that you have learned the process of putting on a wig, let’s delve into the topic of maintaining it. Below are a few recommendations that will assist you in keeping your wig in excellent condition and preserving its shape:

1. It is important to store the wig on a wig stand when it is not being used.

2. Rather than brushing the wig while it is wet, allow it to dry first.

3. Ensure that you exclusively utilize products that are safe for wigs.

4. It is recommended to wash your human wig every two weeks and your synthetic wig every month in order to prevent any potential damage.

5. It is recommended to refrain from using a curling iron, blow dryer, or straightener on synthetic wigs as they have the potential to cause harm.

Discover the 4 advantages of wearing a hair wig while undergoing cancer treatment

If you are unsure about wearing a wig while undergoing cancer treatment, take into account the subsequent advantages of wigs to aid your decision-making process.

1. An increase in self-assurance

2. Exploring Opportunities

3. Simple Schedule

4. Empowerment and Self-Image

Wigs serve the primary objective of boosting your self-esteem. While battling cancer is undoubtedly challenging, opting for wigs can potentially alleviate some of the difficulties along your journey, allowing you to feel better about yourself.


Consider these factors: the amount of time you’re willing to invest in maintenance, your preferred style, and whether or not you want to style it yourself. Take all of these aspects into account alongside the suggestions mentioned above, and voila! You’ll have your ideal wig.